
We are looking for organisations who…

  • Are focused on improving the lives of farmed animals (this can be through any theory or change eg. corporate campaigning, diet change, institutional or policy work)

  • Have enthusiasm to undertake a creative campaign project and are open to testing new ideas

  • Have a member of staff responsible for their communications and/or marketing who can assist the process for 1-2 hours a week for the 3 months duration

    • This person must have decision making power within this project or if not, the person who holds this should also have the sufficient resource to be involved in the project for sign off 

  • Already have a functioning route to their audience for example one of the following; mailing list, social media accounts, website

  • Can provide a delivery spend (eg pay for billboards or digital ads) of at least $2,500

If you applied before, you are always welcome to apply again. We run two application rounds each year 10th Jan and 2nd June.